Monday, 30 May 2011


This week, I was blessed to be present at the birth of my friend Amanda's second baby. I was her doula, coaching her with breath, gentle touch, and words of encouragement. I was also doula at the birth of her first baby. Both girls, both beautiful, both plump, and perfect. I was there when both babies took their first breath. 

This is a momentous event for me because I believe that with the first breath the soul enters its mortal home and begins its temporal journey. In simpler terms, it's when a spiritual being starts trying to be human and breath becomes the quiet rhythm of that existence. 

It's a rhythm so quiet that we think little of our breath. The computer we call the brain has the function of breath built in, like an app. Even so, there are times when we forget to fill and empty our lungs adequately. Breath is there to help us cope with life and labour. It brings oxygen to our blood and precious cells, relieving stress and pain. 

Amanda breathed her babies into life. Both were birthed naturally using the power of her breath and the strength of her body. This is an accomplishment that embodies a woman with super powers and grants her that 'walk on water' euphoria that follows childbirth. With each push fueled by the power of breath, Amanda's baby gradually came into the light and her own first breath. Then she was wrapped in loving arms, kissed, caressed and cuddled. Gabriela was welcomed to the world and her journey began.

I wonder if our journeys end in a similar fashion. With our last breath, are we launched toward that waiting light and welcomed by loving arms? I'd like to think so. I'd like to imagine all the familiar faces who were there to greet my Mom; the happy reunion, the comfort of returning home, the celebration of a journey completed with valor. It makes my heart glad. It helps me breathe easier. It really is all about breath.

Breath is precious. The first and last are like the quotation marks of mortal life. We need to make what's in between count, one sweet breath at a time. 

The rest is pixie dust...

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